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What Are The Pros And Cons Of An IVA?

What Are The Pros And Cons Of An IVA?

Debt can affect anyone, at any time. It can be managed in many different ways, but once it becomes unmanageable, it’s time to seek help. That’s where an IVA can be useful. An Individual Voluntary Arrangement works as a legally binding contract between you and your creditors to pay off your debts completely in management monthly instalments over a set period of time. Upon completion, the remainder of your debts will be completely written off. While this is a plan with many advantages, there are also significant consequences that you need to be aware of before making this decision.

So, what are the pros and cons of an IVA? In a nutshell, your agreement will enable you to fully pay off your debts for good over a set period of years, with a percentage of your debt completely written off. However, these agreements can have a negative impact on your credit rating, making future mortgage applications, financial security or accessing any type of credit more difficult. 

Once your plan is complete, you will need to work on improving your credit score in order to be reconsidered for credit, such as mortgages, phone contracts, car sale plans, and more. To learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of this debt management plan, our team has written this short guide for you to explore. Simply keep reading to learn more about the impact an IVA could have on you.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of An IVA?

As with any type of debt help, there are many advantages and disadvantages to consider before applying for an IVA. We’ve listed some of the essential points to consider below. 

The Advantages Of An IVA

  • An agreed payment plan between you and your creditors.
  • Affordable monthly payments.
  • No pressure from your creditors.
  • No legal action from your creditors. 
  • Debt-free once the payment plan is completed.
  • Frozen interest rates on your debts while you pay it off.
  • Upon successful completion of the agreement, any outstanding debts will be written off. 

The Disadvantages Of An IVA

  • Negative impact on your credit rating.
  • Your name is added to the Insolvency Register.
  • All payments must be made, otherwise the arrangement can be terminated and you  may face bankruptcy.
  • You may need to release equity from your home if you’re a homeowner.

What Is An IVA?

An IVA is an Individual Voluntary Agreement that plans out an affordable monthly payment plan between you and your creditors. At this time, all interest on your debts are frozen. An IVA proposal can last up to  60 or 72 months (five to six years), during which time your debts will be paid off in part, or in full. After this time period, any remaining unsecured debts will be written off completely. 

During the time of paying your IVA, you will be protected from your creditors. This means that they’ll be unable to harass you or place additional pressure on you to pay off your loans. Not only that, but your assets will also be protected, as creditors will not have the right to take further legal action against you. For homeowners, this means that you will not need to sell your home in order to pay off your debts unless this has been agreed within the terms of the proposal 

To be eligible for an IVA, 75% of your creditors will need to agree to the proposed conditions before it can start. You’ll need the help and support of an experienced Insolvency Practitioner to apply for your IVA. This is where Restart BTi can help.

Will An IVA Affect Me For Life?

An IVA is unlikely to affect your whole life, depending on how you manage your money once the agreement is completed. However, it will impact your credit rating for the duration of you paying off your debts, and for a number of years following completion. What this means is that you will need to work on improving your credit score in order to be eligible for mortgages, or any other means of credit. This is because your IVA will appear on your credit report and won’t be removed until you finish your contract. Even when the contract is marked as ‘completed’, creditors may be hesitant to supply you with credit if they are concerned about your ability to repay any loans.

Get Specialist Help From The Experts At Restart BTi

If you’re considering taking out an IVA to solve your debt issues, then Restart BTi is here to help. When you get in touch with one of our helpful team members, you can arrange a time to discuss your options, all while feeling supported. We’ll provide tailored answers on what your individual payment plan will look like for you, provide a template on how long it’ll take to be debt-free, and submit your application for you. This means that we handle all communications with your creditors, taking pressure off you to take on any negotiations. 

For more information on how we can help, organise a free consultation with one of our team members today.